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Cancer Care & Haematology Fund
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Calling all supporters!

You can help us to win a £1,000 donation from Movement For Good by nominating us.
The Movement for Good Awards is the annual programme of charitable giving for the Benefact Group, an international family of specialist financial services companies that give all available profits to charity and good causes. This year they will be donatng more than £1million.
Please help CCHF to win a £1,000 donation by nominating us!  It's quick and easy - simply follow this link
Please tell your friends and anyone who is keen to support our charity.  Deadline for the next draw is 17 December.

The Cancer Care and Haematology Fund is a charity set up to help those diagnosed with cancer and haematology based diseases and who are being treated by Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. Through public fundraising a specialist unit – the CCHU - was built and opened in January 2001 at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury. The charity continues to provide financial support for projects that benefit patients cared for at the CCHU, the Sunrise Unit in Wycombe Hospital and in community settings across Buckinghamshire and neighbouring counties.