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Cancer Care & Haematology Fund
Donate Fundraising

Donate to
feel great

Every Pound Helps Support Patients


It's easy to donate. So, whether CCHF have supported a loved one or you just want to support this great cause, see all the simple ways to donate below or simply click the button below to donate online.

Donate Online

Valentines-Send-Some-Love-GIF-03Looking for an alternative to greeting cards?

You can support our charity with the cost of cards/postage and send e-cards instead with DontSendMeACard.com.

You can choose from Christmas, New Year, Birthday, Mothers' Day, Fathers' Day or Thank You cards.

Go to CCHF - e-cards page to see how it works.  Or watch the movie below ...

Bucks Lottery lpmulti_generic - image

Buckinghamshire Lottery

You can choose to support the Cancer Care and Haematology Fund when you play the Buckinghamshire Lottery.

Each ticket has a 1 in 50 chance of winning a weekly prize, with a £25,000 jackpot prize plus various other cash prizes. Tickets are £1 each, of which 50% goes to CCHF and 10% to other local good causes.

Find out more
Lottery QR small

Easy Ways to Donate

We have partnered with Peoples Fundraising, a not-for-profit organization run as a charity with costs covered by donations so more of the gift reaches this Charity. If you are planning an event or wish to raise funds for a particular reason it is easy to set up a site within Peoples Fundraising which you can direct sponsors and donors to, and they pass on the funds to this Charity automatically.

Donate Online

Donations can be made by cheque, payable to Cancer Care and Haematology Fund or CCHF, and sent to: CCHF, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 8AL.

If you are a UK taxpayer, your donation can go even further by choosing the Gift Aid option. This means that, for every £1 you donate, we can claim a further 25p from the Government. It costs you nothing and all you need to do to make this happen is to tick the relevant boxes when making your donation.

To make a donation by a bank transfer or standing order please contact us by e-mail at contact@cchf.org.uk, by telephone on 01296 315516 or use our website contact form.

Buckinghamshire Lottery (previously Vale Lottery)

A simple way to help is to choose to support CCHF when you join the Buckinghamshire Lottery. Tickets cost just £1 each. Each ticket has a 1 in 50 chance of winning a weekly prize, with a £25,000 jackpot prize if all six numbers match and various other cash prizes.

50% of the ticket value goes to CCHF, 10% to other local good causes and 40% goes into the prize fund and pays for the running costs. Buckinghamshire Council does not take anything from ticket sales. So, you can give a small weekly sum to help cancer care and haematology patients and staff – and have the chance of winning a prize!

Find out more

If the company where you work operates a Give as you Earn scheme, you can support our charity with a regular donation out of your pay, without paying tax.

A regular monthly or annual amount over 4 years allows us to claim a tax rebate of 25% more, at no extra cost to you. Thus every £10 covenanted by you is worth £12.50 to our Charity.

When you make a will, not only do you have the chance to provide for your loved ones, but by leaving a gift to CCHF you can also help to create a better future for those suffering from cancer or blood diseases.

Looking to Fundraise?

Check out our Fundraising page for ideas and getting started
