Cancer Information and Wellbeing Service
Who are we?
The service is staffed by cancer information healthcare professionals and supported by trained volunteers. We also receive financial support from the Cancer Care and Haematology Fund charity.
All people with cancer being treated within Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust are entitled to use the following services within the Cancer Information and Wellbeing Service. The service is based at the Cancer Care and Haematology Unit (CCHU) at Stoke Mandeville Hospital and at the Sunrise Unit at Wycombe Hospital, and we are here to ensure that people affected by cancer have access to good quality, comprehensive and appropriate information, and support. And of course, a cup of tea!
What do we offer?
- Drop-in and appointment service for advice and support for both patients, relatives and carers.
- Citizens Advice advisor – ie financial and benefits advice (via email/ telephone).
- Wig supply and fitting service (via the phone, virtually or face-to-face at the CCHU and Sunrise Unit).
- Signposting to other services including physiotherapy and fitness programmes, complementary therapies and local and national support groups.
- Health and wellbeing events
- A wide range of information booklets/leaflets on all aspects of living with cancer ie travel, blue badge.
- Advice and support once treatment ends.
- Regular coffee mornings for coffee mornings, crafting sessions and others.
- Complimentary therapies for patients having treatment at the CCHU and Sunrise Unit.
- Free prescriptions. All people with cancer and undergoing treatment can apply for an exemption certificate for a free prescription from their GP.
Other support services
A Macmillan Citizens Advice Caseworker is available for people with cancer and their families. Contact: Alex Carter on 01908 545160 (answerphone available) or 07976 021635; email: alex.carter@mkcab.org.uk
Macmillan HOPE Course (Help Overcome Problems Effectively). A six week self-management programme designed to increase your ability to cope – covering topics such as fatigue, healthy eating, exercise, fears for the future, mindfulness and goal setting.
Take Control Course. A one day condensed version of the HOPE Course.
Wig/headwear supply and fitting service. This service is free and is funded by the Cancer Care and Haematology Fund (CCHF) charity. It is available face-to -face at the Raoul Salon or via telephone virtually. Please ask your CNS, chemotherapy nurses or contact us directly for a referral.
Creative arts. The Creative Art Group is held at the Cancer Information and Wellbeing area in the Cancer Care and Haematology Unit, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, on Tuesdays from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. This is an opportunity to get creative, have a coffee and socialise with others.
How to contact us
At Stoke Mandeville Hospital:
Cancer Information and Wellbeing Service, Cancer Care and Haematology Unit (CCHU), Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Mandeville Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 8AL. Tel: 01296 838 340
We are open
Monday – Friday 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Tel: 01296 838 340 Email: bht.cancer.inf@nhs.net
At Wycombe Hospital:
We provide an outreach service based in the Sunrise Cancer Unit on the 5th floor of the hospital.
How can I help reduce healthcare associated infections?
Infection prevention and control is important to the well-being of our patients and for that reason we have infection prevention and control procedures in place in all treatment facilities. Keeping your hands clean is an effective way of preventing the spread of infections. We ask that you, and anyone visiting you, use the hand sanitiser available at the entrance to every ward before coming in to and after leaving the ward. In some situations, hands may need to be washed at the sink using soap and water rather than using the hand sanitiser, as hand sanitisers are not suitable for use when dealing with patients who have symptoms of diarrhoea.

HOPE - Help to Overcome Problems Effectively
Living with, or after, a cancer diagnosis?
Do you want to enhance your resilience through these difficult times, rediscover strengths, share your experiences with others who have been through similar and increase your ability to cope?
Join our self – management programme called HOPE, the programme focuses on topics including: Smarter goal setting, priorities and values, managing stress, mindfulness, coping with fatigue, living positively with fears for the future, finding things to be thankful for, character strengths, eating well and physical activity.
2024 Dates
All sessions run weekly, for six weeks:
Butterfly House, High Wycombe 10am – 12.30pm
Tuesday January 9th – Tuesday February 20th (will break for a week on 13th for half term)
Tuesday April 16th – Tuesday May 21st
Tuesday June 11th – Tuesday July 16th
Tuesday Sept 10th – Tuesday Oct 15th
Tuesday Nov 5th – Tuesday December 10th
Roman Park Hall, Sir Henry Lee Crescent, Aylesbury 7pm -9.30pm
Wednesday April 17th – Wednesday May 22nd
Wednesday September 11th – Wednesday October 16th
Roman Park Hall, Sir Henry Lee Crescent, Aylesbury 10am – 12.30pm
Wednesday January 10th (break 14th for half term) Wednesday 21st February
Wednesday June 12th – Wednesday July 17th
Wednesday November 6th – Wednesday December 11th
If you would like to join us, please contact us! Please note you must be registered with a Bucks GP tel: 01296 838340 email: bht.cancer.inf@nhs.net
Macmillan Online HOPE Programme
Are you are living with or after a cancer diagnosis? Do you want to enhance your resilience, rediscover your strengths and increase your ability to cope?
The online Hope programme is a group six week self-management course based on an online platform. This has been co-designed alongside people living with cancer, and is based on positive psychology, mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy. It is built on 25 years of research evidence at Coventry University.
It is designed to support you in developing techniques and strategies to manage several aspects of living with cancer. During the online Hope programme, you will have the opportunity to learn from other people living with cancer and discuss and comment on others' experiences.
What is the commitment?
The course lasts 6 weeks. We ask that you commit a minimum of 2 hours per week, at a time to suits you. You will need to have access to the internet via smartphone, tablet or PC. You will be able to work through the weekly materials in your own time at your own pace.
What support will I get?
You will be supported by trained facilitators. You can also share experiences with your peers.
How do I sign up?
Please see link and complete the short application to sign up