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Cancer Care & Haematology Fund
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The hard-working reception team at the Cancer Care and Haematology Unit, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, are preparing to hold their Christmas raffle and sweet stall at the Unit to raise funds for CCHF.

Last year the event raised nearly £1,000! Now they're looking for your help to beat that total this Christmas. The team would like more prizes to offer participants. If you have something you would like to donate please call into the Unit during normal opening hours, or email: bht.cancer.inf@nhs.net 

The Christmas raffle has become a regular event, along with a similar raffle at Easter – both organised by the busy reception team who look after patients, staff and visitors to the Unit so well throughout the year. All proceeds are donated to the Cancer Care and Haematology Fund – the charity that supports Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust's cancer treatment facilities at Stoke Mandeville and Wycombe hospitals.

You can see how we spend the money donated by our generous supporters by following this link: How We Support

Thank you from everyone at CCHU!