Another success for fundraising duo
By CCHF in CCHU fundraiser Sunrise Unit

A table top sale in Haddenham, Bucks, on 9 June, has raised more than £1,000 for the Cancer Care and Haematology Fund charity.
It followed another successful cake sale fundraiser last April in Haddenham that realised more than £300.
Both events were organised by cancer patients Paula Tompkins and Joanna Swinton-Bland – who are working hard to ensure that even more support is available to patients and clinical staff at the Cancer Care and Haematology Unit (CCHU) at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.
Mike Snell, CCHF Trustee, commented: “This latest fundraiser by Paula and Joanna has produced a quite amazing amount of money for our charity. We are always astonished at the ingenuity and hard work carried out by all of our supporters and, of course, we're incredibly grateful. Every penny raised goes towards improving the experience of those using the cancer treatment service provided by Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.”
If you're planning a fundraiser for CCHF we'd love to hear from you.
CCHF was set up in 1990 to raise funds to help patients diagnosed with cancer or blood disorders by funding the construction of a specialist unit at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, near Aylesbury. Today the charity continues to provide financial support for Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust treatment facilities at both Stoke Mandeville and the Sunrise Unit at Wycombe Hospital. Click here to see what we do.
11 June 2024