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Cancer Care & Haematology Fund
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Record-breaking fundraiser!

Congratulations to the reception team at Stoke Mandeville Hospital's Cancer Care and Haematology Unit who have smashed previous amounts raised for charity at their recent Easter raffle and sweet sale!

A total of £1,216 was raised: that was £538 from the raffle and £678 from the sweet stall. Last Easter the team raised a total of £711.

The money raised goes to the Cancer Care and Haematology Fund to support patients and staff at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust's cancer treatment centres, particularly at Stoke Mandeville and Wycombe Hospitals.

The reception staff would like to say thank you to all of those who donated to this worthy cause. They would also like to say a big “thank you” to Fiona Prescott for her kind and heart-warming donation.

To see how your donations can help, visit our website.